Innovative sensor technology optimises H2 production

Hydrogen (H2) is seen as the energy source of the future. It has the potential to perfectly fulfil society’s requirement for a climate-friendly, environmentally friendly form of energy that meets users’ needs – H2 is “the stuff that dreams are made of”. With its innovative, unique sensor solutions, hydrogen pioneer Archigas now makes a considerable contribution towards making this dream come true.

In close partnership with the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and with funding from the state of Hesse, the Frankfurt-based business founded by physicists and entrepreneurs Wladimir Barskyi and Illya Kaufman has developed innovative sensors characterised by their high degree of stability and sensitivity. This new generation of measuring technology boasts properties consistently orientated towards the specific requirements of the hydrogen industry, with its especially high standards regarding the analysis of H2 concentration and purity.

On this basis, the company designs and manufactures gas measurement equipment for the following applications:

  • – Hydrogen production using electrolysis, admixture of hydrogen to natural gas (H2 in CH4)
  • – Monitoring hydrogen’s upper and lower explosion limits, including in fuel cell exhaust gases (LEL and LEL for H2 in O2/air)
  • – Input quality control and process gas monitoring, for monitoring gas purity (eg hydrogen 5.0)
  • – Control and monitoring of gas mixtures for the food industry, welding technology and medical technology (eg CO2 in Ar, O2 in N2, N2O in air)

The devices’ easy handling enables quick integration of the TCD OEM modules into customer equipment such as gas chromatographs, synthesis gas plants and many others. As well as classic TCD solutions, Archigas also offers mass flow measurement that is independent of the gas type, and therefore unique worldwide, along with classic solutions for industrial vacuum and temperature measurement.

 Archigas is highly specialised in microsensor technology (MEMS) and gas analysis. Since its foundation in 2020, the company has developed sensor solutions, particularly in the fields of thermal conductivity, pressure measurement and flow measurement. Archigas’s stated aim is to offer customers cost-effective plug and play solutions that reliably fulfil highly complex analysis tasks. Since 2022, the company has also been funded by the state of Hesse as part of its LOEWE programme (‘State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence’). This is to support work on the development of measuring devices suitable for the exploration of natural hydrogen and helium deposits. Despite international bids from the USA and elsewhere, Archigas GmbH decided to establish its headquarters in Rüsselsheim am Main, in order to help bolster the state of Hesse, and therefore Germany as a whole, as a location for business.


Mitglieder Geschäftsstelle Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Initiative Hessen e.V.

Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e. V.

Hydrogen Power Storage & Solutions East Germany


Wladimir Barskyi

Wladimir Barskyi

Wladimir Barskyi & Illya Kaufman.

We knew we just had to do it. So in 2020 we founded Archigas together to make our contribution to the development of hydrogen. Coincidence played a big role in this. After all, we both graduated in “Microsystems Engineering of Mechatronics” in 2007 and in “Applied Physics” at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM) in 2011, and we already saw each other in the lecture hall. But it was the proverbial beer that brought us together. We recognized a common goal, namely to develop a thoroughly optimized sensor technology.

Illya Kaufman

Illya Kaufman

I (Illya) concentrate on the technological aspects at Archigas, I am the chief developer and product designer. And I (Vladimir) focus more on management. We are supported by first-class employees, both professionally and personally.

We are both fathers and, like all parents, we want a good future for our children. In a way, we see ourselves as creative eco-visionaries. Our goal is to offer complicated measuring tasks as reliable and cost-effective plug & play solutions. Here from the Rhine-Main area, where we are at home. Our free time belongs to families. For example, when we cheer on our daughters at football. So we often look for fun and success as a team. But there are also important differences: For example, I (Illya) prefer tea and I (Vladimir) definitely like coffee … 😊

Illya Kaufman

Illya Kaufman

Völklein Friedemann

Völklein Friedemann

Völklein Friedemann

I advise the company with scientific expertise and am involved in the design and technology development of the sensors. It’s not so easy to fit a long career as a physicist into a few lines. Here’s an attempt: I am Prof. Dr. rer nat. habil and in recent years and decades I have been a senior scientist at ETH Zurich and a professor at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM). The founding and management of the Institute for Microtechnologies (IMtech), with which I am still closely associated, were important milestones for me.

Wladimir, Illya, Patrick and Tom were among my students, we know and appreciate each other. I was also delighted to receive awards such as the Cooperation Prize from the Hessian Ministry of Economics and Transport, the Georg Simon Ohm Prize from the German Physical Society and the Research Prize from the Hessian Universities of Applied Sciences.

More important to me than titles and honors (but thanks for that) is to continue to establish microsystems technology with full commitment: now also as a key technology for applications in the growth field of hydrogen technology! I want to make my contribution to the energy supply for future generations, and here at Archigas I can contribute a wealth of know-how. The entrepreneurial spirit and the young, competent team are inspiring. It’s a lot of fun…. 😉


Tom Burkard

Tom Burkard

I’m currently studying for a part-time Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Management (Master of Engineering). I am particularly enthusiastic about renewable energies, which was already the subject of my Bachelor’s thesis; I am also co-responsible for an exciting hydrogen project, and I have already built my own small PV system at home.

At Archigas, I mainly work in production and optimize the processes. At the same time, I also work on the development of the products and am in regular contact with Illya about improvements. The topic of hydrogen really drives me. H2 offers enormous potential for energy transformation. Here at Archigas, I can really contribute my ideas. I switch off when I’m on my motorcycle, when I’m gaming or – brand new – when I’m doing weight training … 😉


Tom Burkard

Patrick Römer

Patrick Römer

Patrick Römer

As the person (jointly) responsible for sensor development and production, I’m completely in my element here. In 2022, I graduated with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in “Applied Physics” from RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM). Even before that, I docked at the company as a student assistant as part of my Master’s thesis. So I have been closely associated with Archigas almost “from the very beginning”.

Together with my technically experienced and excellent colleagues from different areas, I am pleased to be able to contribute to the development of hydrogen as a green energy carrier. I am particularly interested in the field of microsystems technology. In short: I really thrive in the daily laboratory environment … 😉

Diana Marchenko

Diana Marchenko

Diana Marchenko

I don’t actually disseminate information about myself, but rather everything new about Archigas via social media. I’ve completed relevant seminars at the IHK, but of course my passion for social media such as Facebook, Insta and Linkedin also comes from my private life. Yes, I admit it, I do spend some time on the various platforms … But of course I also spend time in the analog world. I’m interested in chemistry and physics, for example, and the topic of climate change and how hydrogen can help solve the energy issue is something that interests me. That’s why I like to get involved here at Archigas and post regularly. When I’m not out and about digitally, I like to go to the gym, play volleyball and the violin – so sometimes I can do without my laptop and smartphone … 😉

Diana Marchenko

Diana Marchenko

Thomas Hammann

Thomas Hammann

Thomas Hammann

Supporting public relations is my modest contribution to Archigas. In a previous life, I worked as a journalist for print and online media, radio and TV. In the beginning, the topics ranged from politics and society to feature articles and business, but later I devoted myself increasingly to scientific and technical content.

As part of my own public relations office, I changed direction two decades ago and have since been providing relevant information from established companies and start-ups that really “have something to say”. Archigas and its innovative, even revolutionary, sensor solutions are particularly close to my heart because of their potential importance for a greener future. But enough of my self-promotion … 😉

Jacqueline Hedwig

Jacqueline Hedwig

Jacqueline Hedwig

Office management, administration, trade fair and event organization: there are several terms that describe what I do at Archigas. What is certain is that I want to keep the others’ backs free as much as possible so that everyone can focus on their own area.

As a marketing communications specialist and thanks to many years of organizational work for two well-known companies alongside my geography studies, I know a lot about business processes. At Archigas, I network with each other and with customers. It helps that the subject matter itself is exciting: hydrogen offers great opportunities for the future of us all. In my free time, I enjoy walking my dog, doing lots of sport and watching Eintracht matches (Frankfurt, of course)…. 😉

 Jacqueline Hedwig

Jacqueline Hedwig


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